Use ChatGPT to Create the Quartz Job Expression

Creating the Quartz job scheduler expression can be confusing considering the number of arguments involved. ChatGPT can help! Here is the prompt for an example schedule: “Write a Java Quartz expression for a job running at 7:30 am Monday through Friday.”

Improving OEE

OEE can be improved by increasing one or more of its three components - availability, performance rate or quality rate. First, since the OEE time loss model is dependent upon an accurate equipment design speed, this rate must be set at a realistic value. If it is set too high, then the OEE will be abnormally low. Point 85 has three charts in the equipment’s dashboard that are used in analyzing OEE.

PackML and OEE


This post describes an implementation the Point 85 Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) solution for manufacturers having a PackML machine interface. PackML (Packaging Machine Language) is a standard defined by the Organization for Machine Automation and Control (OMAC) and by the International Society of Automation’s Technical Report 88 (ISA-TR88.00.02-2015).